If you're reading this, you probably already know that I am Kirsten and that I am going on exchange to the Netherlands for the fall semester of 2006. This blog will document my adventures in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe while I'm away.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A new and horrible experience

I'm not going to say much about it right now other than that I've been mugged and this is certainly the low point of my trip (knock on wood) It's one of those things, that you just assume is never going to happen to you, and then there are four guys following you, and then one of them has a gun. It also shows you that you can get help from the most suprising sources, people you expect to be useless end up being saviours, and people you expect to be saviours are just sort of there. I'm just getting used to the idea, that some very important things have been taken from me and that I was attacked by a complete stranger but the important thing is that I'm ok. Afterall, things can be replaced.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Gods! Are you okay!? What did they take from you!?


11:34 PM


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