If you're reading this, you probably already know that I am Kirsten and that I am going on exchange to the Netherlands for the fall semester of 2006. This blog will document my adventures in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe while I'm away.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

2 Days till Blast off

So it's 2 days untill I go to the Netherlands and I am crazy excited! I almost constantly have butterflies in my stomach and I just can't wait to get there and experience life in another country. I'm also a little bit nervous, generally I'm a nervous flyer and I haven't freaked about flying yet so I'm worried I might implode on the aeroplane. I am also a little bit worried about missing my family and friends, I've never been so far away from the comforts of home, though I'm also really looking forward to meeting new friends. It's just astounding to think for a moment that in a matter of hours your going to be embarking on a journey which could change the rest of your life. I'm going to miss everyone so much!

Friday, August 25, 2006

So no less than 10 days before I was supposed to leave for the Netherlands, I went over my handle bars on my bike. Initially concerned with broken teeth, I picked myself up to find blood on my pants so I checked it out only to find a huge gapping hole in my leg. So I called my mom, my mom came and picked me up and decided we needed to go to the hospital. After waiting there for about 5 hours the doctor came to stich my leg. So I now have two sets of stitches in the same spot, one on top of the skin, one underneath. Additionally the stitches are in the exact same place as my injury from the last time I fell off my bike. The best part about this is I get to have the stitches taken out in the Netherlands. But as reminded by a friend, at least I'll get to experience another aspect of Dutch culture.