If you're reading this, you probably already know that I am Kirsten and that I am going on exchange to the Netherlands for the fall semester of 2006. This blog will document my adventures in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe while I'm away.

Monday, December 18, 2006

As requested

Sooo, one of the people who I randomly met in Rotterdam recently sent me a very angry msn message demanding to know why I hadn't written about him in my blog. so Ahmad, this one's for you. So an evening in early October, shortly after the housing incident which came to be known as Anonymous took place, my friend Joan and I were trying to find a legal aide office for advice about the housing incident which came to be known as Anonymous, and we weren't entirely sure where we were going so we stopped to ask a kindly young man for directions. Well this young man was Ahmad, who gave us very good directions and told us a little bit about himself, like the fact he's a Med Student at Erasmus. I never saw Ahmad again, but he'll live on forever on my msn list.

Keep reading, more planned updates coming soon, once stupid exam crap is worked out...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is uhh weird?

10:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that's not weird, it's perfectly normal to have a guy called Ahmad in your blog. Everone should have one.

3:21 AM

Blogger Kirsten Van Houten said...

I agree

10:49 AM


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