If you're reading this, you probably already know that I am Kirsten and that I am going on exchange to the Netherlands for the fall semester of 2006. This blog will document my adventures in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe while I'm away.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I'm having one of those moments. No one reading this is going to Understand this but I'm gonna write it anyway cause well it might be useful...
I know that the circumstances of my exchange were not always the most pleasant or happy, but recently I just keep aching to go back. I talk to my friends from Carleton who are still on exchange and I want to go back, I talk to my friends from Erasmus and I want to go back. I just ache for it sometimes, like somethings missing now. And what worries me is the frequency that this happens is increasing rather than decreasing. I really want to be able to travel more right now and I totally can't afford it. I want to go somewhere warm, or exotic or somewhere where I can visit a far off friend.
On an equally random note, I also keep wondering why the hell I didn't just go somewhere warm on exchange. I mean Holland was warmish, and actually in comparison I'm finding Ottawa frigid compared to its usual freezing.
I know there's still no "Since I've returned update" A lot have things have changed since I've been back, some nice, some not so nice. I've found friends that I'd thought I'd lost, and I've lost friends that I thought I've had. I have some really good courses, but some really crappy assignments. All in all this semester is absolutely flying. I think I might write my "Since I've been back" entry at the end of the semester once all of the craziness is over.
There is one thing I would like to share now though. I got into a play at Carleton (I know are you as excited about this as I am?) It's called In the Dark and it's being performed on March 8th and 9th at 7:30 p.m. at Carleton. So if you are in the vicinity of Carleton or you can come to the vicinity of Carleton on either of those days I fully expect you to Come!!!!
That's all for Now!


Blogger Eric Rosenhek said...

Don't worry, I know exactly how you feel.

I'm so glad you've put up new some entries. I was getting tired of reading the Jan. 21st post over and over and over and over and over....

7:12 PM

Blogger Kirsten Van Houten said...

thank you. Although you know if you want direct updates you can always talk to me!

11:12 PM


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