If you're reading this, you probably already know that I am Kirsten and that I am going on exchange to the Netherlands for the fall semester of 2006. This blog will document my adventures in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe while I'm away.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Ever since I was mugged I have sort of been fixed on a way to make this into a positive situation. First I tried to convince myself that it was good because I hadn't been shot, then I tried to convince myself that it was good because I would get new technological equipment. Neither of these two things were working very well for me because despite the fact I wasn't shot I still had a gun pointed at me and also despite me getting new technological gadgets (the robbery happened in tandem of the release of the new Ipod) I really liked my old digital camera, and I am really, really sad that it's gone. So I was sitting and thinking this morning and I realised that a good way for me to make this a positive is by joining the campus Foot Patrol at Carleton when I get back so that maybe this won't happen at Carleton too. Note of course that I was mugged right outside my University, which of course makes me ever so comfortable walking home from evening classes.
In addition to this, I was thinking about how this all went down, and ironically, I was torn between buying the bag, which was eventually stolen, and buying a small African hand drum. Now if I had bought the hand drum, perhaps things would have gone differently, as it is difficult to carry your valuables in a drum.
So now all I have left is to sit here and wait for my new debit card to arrive because I really don't have any money to do anything or go anywhere untill I can access my bank account again. Sitting, waiting, wishing.

P.S. Anyone who wants to send me a package needs to send it PRIORITY otherwise it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get here. Thanks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, that's awful.
But really, I sort of know how you feel. I was on vacation this summer in France and while we were vacationing, someone broke into the apartment, and the next morning we woke up and everything (cameras, iPods, etc. etc.) was gone. It's rough but the most important thing is that you're ok. After all, material things are easily replacable, human beings are not.

11:57 AM

Blogger Kirsten Van Houten said...

Aww that's awful too! But you are absolutely right. And I'm very happy to be okay

12:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea but if you had bought the little drum I might of had to arm myself.

p.s. writing priority might make the package get returned to sender for lack of postage.

12:26 PM

Blogger Kirsten Van Houten said...

Anna said priority gets airmail, no priority gets Boat

12:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of but, its different from Canada tho. It depends on the size of the box and its actual and/or volumetric weight. One can use small packet air(where writing priority will get it sent back) its about 5-7 days upto 14 if the dutchpost holds it in customs) or small paket surface which is boat and 6-8 weeks. For larger packages or ones with high volumetric weight there is only surface available as dutchpost doesn't have the ability to process large air shipments. For that one would have to use a 3rd party carrier.

12:40 PM


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