If you're reading this, you probably already know that I am Kirsten and that I am going on exchange to the Netherlands for the fall semester of 2006. This blog will document my adventures in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe while I'm away.

Monday, October 23, 2006

My Birthday

So it took me long enough to write an entry about my Birthday eh? (yes I had to say eh because I never get to say it here and I miss it. Anyway, the single picture of me, which incidently is also my msn display picture, was me on my 20th Birthday, do I look any older?
Originally on my Birthday, eleventy billion people were supposed to come with me to Den Haag, and then dropped out one by one because they had already made plans or they thought Den Haag was boring (I think they're crazy but that's ok) We were all supposed to meet at the train station on the morning of the 14th but by the 13th I was pretty sure no one was comming but I decided to show up anyway. And in fact ONE person did in fact show up. So instead of going back to Den Haag I decided I wanted to go to Gouda (phonetically pronounced Howda) as I had never been there before. Of course me being the idiot that I am I hadn't brought my camera because I was expecting no one to come, but we were off.
Gouda was a wonderful little town with many shops and historical sites. My friend Judith and I saw one of the 2 remaining Gothic City halls in the Netherlands which was built in the 1450's (pretty old eh?) we also went to St. John's Kerk (Church) which was built in the 1500's and is a UNESCO World Heritage site because of it's beautiful stained glass windows which depict stories from the Bible, stories from Dutch History and the story of St. John Babtiste's life. It was really amazing! In Gouda I also ate an apple cinnamon pancake which was exciting... really it was.
After all this We came back to Rotterdam and came back to my room so I could talk to family and get my camera, then we returned to Rotterdam Central Station to meet the next eleventy billion people for dinner. 3 more people turned up (with presents) as well as two others who came to tell me that they had to go (whatever)
So anyway, then we went for Sushi at my favorite Sushi place in the World, Happy Sushi, which isn't my favorite Sushi place because the Sushi is acceptional but because plates of sushi go around on a little conveyor belt and you can pick what you like. They also have Bubble tea. The people who came with me for Sushi were Judith, Cicek (my room mate), Hui and Henrick. We has a very good time, and as per Dutch/European tradition I bought everyone's first drink.
After sushi we walked to the Cafe/Restraunt that Henrick and I went to during the Pink Dot festival which I have learned is called Hoop and Sourgh (Which is of course Dutch for Hope and Sorrow) I really like this cafe it has a very fun atmosphere, wonderful deserts and wonderful drinks!
After Hoop and Sourgh we were joined by some of Henrick's friends as well as some more of my friends and we went to another Cafe, which wasn't nearly as nice but it would do. Overall I think it's safe to say that I enjoyed my birthday, and now I can get on with the 20 things I hope to do at 20!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, took you long enough to post. The sushi convayer belt is not as I expected tho, it seems to lack that new tokyo fusion esq feeling I imagined. I'd have to say you look pretty in the picture.

5:36 PM


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